The Art of Fresco Painting, As Practised by the Old Italian and Spanish Masters, with a Preliminary Inquiry into the Nature of The Colours Used in Fresco Painting : with observations and notes


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 40571
نوع المادة book
رقم الطلب REF 751.73 M569a
العنوان The Art of Fresco Painting, As Practised by the Old Italian and Spanish Masters, with a Preliminary Inquiry into the Nature of The Colours Used in Fresco Painting : with observations and notes
بيانات النشر London: Alec Tiranti Ltd, reprinted 1966.
الوصف المادي lvi, 1-134 : 14*22cm ; hardcover
ملاحظات list of plates - index
المحتويات / النص an inquiry into the nature of the colours used in Fresco Painting by the Italian and Spanish Masters - Directions and observations from various early writers - extracts from various authors
المواضيع Fresco Painting

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000405710001 REF 751.73 M569a
1 عادي

المرفقات :

العنوان الوصف