Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

رقم التسجيلة 40942
نوع المادة Conference papers
ردمك 0962288113
رقم الطلب REF 956.94 N163e
شخص Nakhleh, Issa

العنوان Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
بيانات النشر New York, [U.S.A]: Intercontinental Books, 1991.
الوصف المادي vol. 1(xvi, 1-556) vol.2 (557-1131 : 22*28.5cm

hardcover - bibliography - subject index - index of persons - index of cities, towns and villages in Palestine

الملاحظات الببليوجرافية

 bibliography - subject index - index of persons - index of cities, towns and villages in Palestine

المحتويات / النص

 first volume: the modern history of Palestine -the Palestinians were a well-developed nation politically , economically, socially and culturally -  the ownership of capital in Palestine - Zionist terrorism and crimes in Palestine 1939/1945 - Zionist terrorism and crimes in Palestine 1946 -Zionist terrorism and crimes in Palestine 1947 - Zionist terrorism and crimes in Palestine 1948 - international criminal law -  the conspiracy to expel and the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs 1948/1950 - examples of massacres committed by the Zionists and Israelis - erasing Arab towns and villages from the map and converting them into Jewish settlements - usurping Arab houses and apartments in twelve cities for settling Jews -looting pillage plunder and spoliation of the personal and real properties of Palestinians in twelve cities and large towns and 526 small towns and villages 1948/1967- the destruction and desecration of christian holy places and the violation of christian religious rights - Zionist and Israeli terrorism war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine and neighboring Arab countries 1948/1967 - war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against Palestinians in the Gaza strip - Israeli terrorism and crimes in Palestine and neighboring Arab countries 1967/1988 - plunder and usurpation of Palestinian lands and the establishment of Jewish settlements in the west bank and the Gaza strip 1967/1989.
 second volume:  the willful destruction of the Palestinian economy in the west bank and the Gaza strip - the demolition and sealing of Palestinian homes - collective punishment, curfews, checkpoints, mass roundups and closures - Israeli concentration camps and prisons - the torture and inhuman treatment of Palestinian prisoners - the torture and inhuman treatment of Palestinian women - illegal administrative detention of Palestinians - illegal town arrest orders of Palestinians - the inhuman separation of Palestinian families - Jewish settler terrorism against the Palestinians in the west bank and the Gaza strip - Zionist war crimes against humanity committed against Palestinians during the intifada December/April 1999 - Israeli war crimes committed in Lebanon in 1978  and 1982 - wanton bombing of Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon - mossad terrorism and crimes against Palestinians and others in Europe and the middle east - Israeli piracy and terrorism at sea - Zionist terrorism against Americans in the united states - Zionist crimes against Jews - the crimes against peace committed by Israeli leaders in the 1956 war , the 1967 war and the wars against Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 - so called Israel is not a state either in fact or in law - international law of restitution invalidates all Zionist measures against the rights , properties , and interests of the Palestinians - Zionist historical claims to Palestine are unfounded - the state of Israel is not a fulfillment of biblical prophecy - the solution to the Palestine problem

المواضيع Jewish-Arab Relations - History - 1917-1948
Palestine - History - Haifa - Jerusalem
Jewish-Arab relations - 1917-
Zionism - History
Israel - History