Approaching Australia : papers from the Harvard Australian Studies Symposium / edited by Harold Bolitho & Chris Wallace-Crabbe

رقم التسجيلة 43159
نوع المادة Reference
ردمك 0674041895 (cloth)
رقم الطلب REF 994.0071173 B689a
ملتقى Harvard Australian Studies Symposium

العنوان Approaching Australia : papers from the Harvard Australian Studies Symposium / edited by Harold Bolitho & Chris Wallace-Crabbe
بيانات النشر Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, c1998.
الوصف المادي xv, 252 p : 23*15cm ; ill

Includes bibliographical references and index

المحتويات / النص

archaeology and anthropology, folsom and Talgai: cowboy archaeology, the frontier and anthropology: reflections on the Australian and American experience, mutant message down under: a new age for an old people, literature and fine arts: the past: burden or asset? the repeated rediscovery of America, travelling, despairing, singing: two poetries, the curve of the Pacific gets in the way, double vision: antipodean or not? history: not as the song of other lands, Australian women in America, from miles Franklin to Jill Ker Conway, driving to Austerica: the Americanization of the postwar Australian city, the creation of Australian space, government, Australian democracy and the American century, civilizing capitalism? game over, insert coins, the Australian-American curriculum for the past and the next twenty years

المواضيع Australia - Study and teaching (Higher) - United States - Congresses
Australia - Relations - United States - Congresses
United States - Relations - Australia - Congresses
Australia - Congresses
United States - Congresses - Foreign relations - Middle East

شخص Bolitho, Harold
Wallace-Crabbe, Chris