The Art of Fresco Painting, As Practised by the Old Italian and Spanish Masters, with a Preliminary Inquiry into the Nature of The Colours Used in Fresco Painting : with observations and notes

رقم التسجيلة 40571
نوع المادة book
رقم الطلب REF 751.73 M569a
العنوان The Art of Fresco Painting, As Practised by the Old Italian and Spanish Masters, with a Preliminary Inquiry into the Nature of The Colours Used in Fresco Painting : with observations and notes
بيانات النشر London: Alec Tiranti Ltd, reprinted 1966.
الوصف المادي lvi, 1-134 : 14*22cm ; hardcover

list of plates - index

المحتويات / النص

an inquiry into the nature of the colours used in Fresco Painting by the Italian and Spanish Masters - Directions and observations from various early writers - extracts from various authors

المواضيع Fresco Painting